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Mayhem last won the day on June 21 2017

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  1. Can't find a client with this gameframe anywhere anymore
  2. I'm 100% white. Welcome to the tree house!
  3. I know this is a really old thread, but that looks a hell of a lot like a client that Poesy (I think?) released, which included an update server. Edit: I knew it was the one released, yet I didn't pay attention to your name on the OP. :L
  4. strange, your code should be working. Since it's not, my last two ideas are that you have a modified version of drawInterface method that isn't properly done, or there's a remaining RSImageProducer that your client is drawing certain types of interfaces inside.
  5. Somewhere in method draw3dScreen, there may be some code that looks like this:
  6. No I meant the method drawInterface, in the client class. Not the interface that is created.
  7. It's been a long time since I've added resizable to a client, but resizing is not your issue, repositioning is though. From what I remember, you'll need to find in the client class where drawInterface is being called, and change the position parameters to be relative to your game window height & width. Since I don't use resizable clients anymore, I couldn't tell you how to do this. From what I can tell, only your walkable interfaces are having issues, which means that you'll only need to change the positions for where your walkable interfaces are being called to draw.
  8. at ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:498) Post the block of code around line 498 in ItemDef getSprite method.
  9. Mayhem


    I'm not very good at introductions, so usually I avoid making them on communities. I prefer client related development, although I'm not very fond of clients with data from revisions higher than 377. Currently I am working on a client project of my own, which I may end up using for a somewhat unique private server. Also, Raw Envy told me he visits Runeleak, so I decided to search it up for myself. I considered joining before I saw this which makes me even more excited to be here:


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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