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Zakku last won the day on April 16 2019

Zakku had the most liked content!

About Zakku

  • Birthday 10/12/1998

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  • Sex
  • Location
    New York

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  1. lets have a look, thanks sir
  2. RIP this, the piranhas swarmed
  3. Zakku

    Hello all

    very much so, welcome lad!
  4. Zakku

    Ruse V2 - Released

    somehow or another my copy of this is MIA, thanks again
  5. Zakku

    Ikov (arrav) - Release

    it is, the first reply is from ace saying its legit
  6. needs a fair bit of work but its good
  7. Zakku


    link with some content additions is up
  8. Zakku


    I saw this being shared by some people and managed to snag a copy, I figured it'd benefit the community a bit so here it is. Media: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Download: Source/Client: [Hidden Content] Cache: [Hidden Content] Mirror: [Hidden Content] INFERNO.zip?dl=0 Spoiler for virustotal scan:
  9. Zakku


    You might've heard of it before as the site has changed names twice in a short amount of time(once for legal reasons) but welcome
  10. Zakku

    Warning screen

    its the current version check, from looking at the error it's reading the version as html and not what you want it to. I'm unsure of how you have your "cacheVersion.txt" setup but feel free to pm me or contact me on discord for direct help and I'll do what I can to help.
  11. Zakku

    Warning screen

    it's the cache downloader letting you know it failed the version check. it's nothing to worry about unless you want the cache to download but to fix it you would have to update the cache links or stop the call to "FileDownloader.start(this, FileType.CACHE);" in Client.java.
  12. hope to be seeing more of you around the forums
  13. glad to finally see you here mate (☞ຈل͜ຈ)☞
  14. Zakku


    2 name changes in a short amount of time might be a good factor but the current name should be staying though, welcome


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