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Everything posted by godaddy

  1. old arios release was awesome to tinker with got to check this one
  2. does this have the combat ripped out of it like the old releases?
  3. Had this before, wanting to get it again to check some thing out
  4. This version isn't the great compared to 4.1
  5. posting so i can see what this is about. thanks for the release.
  6. thanks need the following
  7. godaddy

    Ikov (arrav) - Release

    Did this get posted a few years ago on rune server?
  8. I voted for ps4 but my all time favorite game is for the original xbox and it is called Jet set radio.
  9. I would like to see a snippet or tutorial for adding uuid detection on linux machines aswell.
  10. godaddy


    Maps need to be repacked or gzipped like Madara said. Genesis client cache is broken for me wonder if it's same with you?
  11. godaddy


    Can you share your runelive files? The download links that I have are all 404.
  12. Will this work for any deob or only the Valius client.
  13. Is the goal behind developing a private server to get as much features and content added that the simple things get pushed off to the side? I'm talking about how when you download pretty much any source and load it up you can build fires on top of random objects and it bugs them out deleting them. (Flowers shouldn't be allowed to make a fire there.. bookshelves). Also things like the character not fully updating and displaying in the equipment screen after making changes with makeover mage/appearances.
  14. Russia russia russia, I wish they would drop it already. My personal opinion is that Russia didn't do anything. This opinion is based on the lack of real evidence brought forth to the public.
  15. What about a source that can be played on a mobile device like a tablet or something. Jagex is coming out with their mobile app why haven't we beat them to the punch?
  16. Hey everyone my name is Drake I'm from the Cayman Islands and I'm looking to learn more from some of the released sources. Not much else to say I guess. Thanks.


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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