Not the best written thing in the world, however wrote it for Divination whilst I was learning more on JFrame's/Components. If you're gonna use would advise improving it a bit..
Ain't providing any free help on getting this working, if you need help and are happy to pay, hmu on Discord @ NULL#1111
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Working - replace link with your own., upload 'main.gif' found in the package and replace link
public class BackGround extends JPanel {
private ImageIcon loading;
public BackGround() {
String loadLink = "link here";
URL ajaxLoad = null;
try {
ajaxLoad = new URL(loadLink);
} catch (MalformedURLException e3) {
loading = new ImageIcon(ajaxLoad);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
loading.paintIcon(this, g, 0, 0);
Credits too King Fox, took a couple things from his launcher because I was in a rush to get it done lmao