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  1. Interesting, curious about the content..
  2. Owner beef the best kind l0l
  3. kanezp

    [Fixed] Elyx

    Someone was tryna sell this for $400 on some shitty service disc l0l
  4. lol the owner sold me this originally and it was broken
  5. Still fixed mpre tjam actual simp does xd
  6. Client & Source included - though the Client just returns a black screen after setting it up fully.
  7. kanezp

    Valius 205

    Honestly, rip it all out, burn it & you're good to launch!
  8. Where's my Nasa Computer Science gang at that simply need help 'changing the ip"
  9. Love reading the comments from 'developers' claiming it would be great for 'their project' that's obviously going to end up coming back saying "How do I change the ip?"
  10. Just seeing if this has anything 'different'



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