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Everything posted by Pat

  1. I am not seeing any cache tools around that work to replace configs.. What tool is being used now days? Does anyone want to share it?
  2. It is really bad mate don't even I might write a launcher soon and release it.
  3. Yes another leak that I have decompiled and tested. From what I could see once decompiled the launcher is the kingfox launcher that plays radioactive by piano.. I wouldn't personally use this but meh you can if you want.. No media as I cannot insert for some reason. Click to download Before you start flaming me for this release.. All I done was decompile the launcher, make the code look more readable than it was and archive/upload for you to download..
  4. Eyy good man! Think you can dump the latest in 317 format and possibly give out the xteas?
  5. This isn't the proper way this should be done.
  6. I am not much into Rs3 dude, on the other hand good job
  7. When you purchase Rspsi, you can request a custom plugin which will be for your own cache. Other than that good luck finding someone who will write a custom plugin..
  8. Why not describe accurately. If you wish to have models dumped from one cache to be packed into your cache then let you know.. The models you are used to packing are in 317 format but can be easily converted to suit your clients needs.
  9. Pat


    This is not going to have summoning in it dude. Rip the models by all means but that is about as useful as this base gets.
  10. Pat

    Norse Sql Files

    You wanna dirt on people?
  11. Yes.. I am actually leaking something that I have personally decompiled and tested. I tried to add media but the insert wasn't working. Click To Download
  12. Exactly why I re uploaded Enjoy!
  13. Huge wave of ruse coming in, thank you for contributing to the community
  14. Thank you Not going to look in the files but they are being archived!
  15. Thank you for releasing your project to the community! I downloaded it because I like to add to my archive... I will show my gratitude for that
  16. The blades look cool.. Not so sure about the mask but the effort put in is unreal on the amount of detail in the models
  17. Thank you, I am not into this but sure many of people will want these packed
  18. Thank you for releasing this launcher for the community, I will not personally use it but it looks pretty decent!
  19. Just giving the people what they need my friend...


[email protected]


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