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Papa Smurf

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Everything posted by Papa Smurf

  1. Fairly new my booty. Mr.5000+PostCount Yeah hmu I'll join mate.
  2. Papa Smurf

    Hi ;-;

    Post count at 1 so seems like he doesn't want to be a coder or owner maybe just a player on a server.
  3. I think every RsPs player should love this site.
  4. Papa Smurf


    Got that 145 day counter nice mate.
  5. Just a simple rule of RuneSuite. You won't be disappointed on what RuneSuite has to offer.
  6. You'll make it threw the pain of typing 20 times.
  7. Papa Smurf


    Welcome to the party hope you enjoy what RuneSuite has to offer.
  8. Papa Smurf


    Smart move man!!! Get to that advance coder level you'll be there soon.
  9. Hey one you drop your project let me be first to join.
  10. Papa Smurf


    Aye I'd love to make some $$$
  11. Become the best rsps coder my friend. I believe in you.
  12. I think Faze should had not played fortnite.
  13. Papa Smurf


    Do you recommend people to come visit there?
  14. Papa Smurf


    I love your name but I hate that skill in runescape. Cost me to much gold.
  15. Don't be normal be non-normal
  16. Papa Smurf


    Is it real as hot as people say it is there?
  17. welcome to the place to be
  18. How's it going my name is papa smurf and I'm just surfing the rsps downloads list and seeing what's poping,


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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