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Sir Meliodas

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Everything posted by Sir Meliodas

  1. The real proof he is a horrible person is that he doesn't just Release code of grand ex etc. Which I would understand. But he screws over a lot of people by releaseing their info. This isn't normal behavior 1 of many which the others I don't wanna show
  2. 1 of many which the others I don't wanna show He had a lot of time and was asked 10x plus to actually work. Never a reply till that point where we refund.
  3. Hi everyone A few hours ago we had all our data Release to this website by a user called "Goon" claiming we charge backed his payments after week of coding. In reality he never coded and never did anything after 10 days of payment. He even admitted this on discord and we obviously have this as evidence. I want to make everyone aware how much of a scammer this person is. He gets paid 250 upfront, goes quite, uses random excuses and ignores things we say or ask. We try to contact a lot of times without anything changing. Once we open PayPal refund he starts talking about how fucked his life is and silly excuses made up to cover his ass. He claims to PayPal he delivered instantly on payment. (which again we have proof of him admitting he didn't do anything for near 2 weeks) After all of this he throws out all of our stuff in here. Just watch out for this scammer. He should be banned from this platform. Never trust him with your code
  4. Hi, A few hours ago we had all our data Release to this website by a user called "Goon" claiming we charge backed his payments after week of coding. In reality he never coded and never did anything after 10 days of payment. He even admitted this on discord and we obviously have this as evidence. I want to make everyone aware how much of a scammer this person is. He gets paid 250 upfront, goes quite, uses random excuses and ignores things we say or ask. We try to contact a lot of times without anything changing. Once we open PayPal refund he starts talking about how fucked his life is and silly excuses made up to cover his ass. He claims to PayPal he delivered instantly on payment. (which again we have proof of him admitting he didn't do anything for near 2 weeks) After all of this he throws out all of our stuff in here. Just watch out for this scammer. He should be banned from this platform.
  5. Hi I am sir meliodas I am24 and from Belgium. I'm from myscape rsps and looking to have fun. Feel free to dm me xo (damn always 20 characters error tf)


[email protected]


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