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Madara last won the day on November 16 2022

Madara had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Madara

  • Birthday 11/30/1993

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  • Location
    Upstate New York

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  1. looks quite interesting. Might rip some stuff from it.
  2. Thanks Ace! Love you, now turn off reply to download rofl
  3. Thanks for this. Ace, its time to disable reply to download rofl
  4. You def showed them losers. Take that!
  5. Thank you, however it has been much longer than 2 years now. Time flys.
  6. Search for this: Code: if (type == 2) { mouseWheelDown = true; mouseWheelX = i; mouseWheelY = j; return; } replace the if statement with: Code: if (SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(e)) { Then search for: Code: if (mouseevent.isMetaDown()) { clickMode1 = 2; clickMode2 = 2; } Replace the first if statement with: Code: if(SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e)) { Then also in the following else block: Code: } else { clickMode1 = 1; clickMode2 = 1; } replace the else line with: Code: } else if(SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)){
  7. Dont forget that they made money off of Jagex's Copyrighted content. Jagex can still take them to court and take back every penny. Not to mention if the IRS asks were they got all that money, id love to hear the response they give.
  8. Simply, You replace the config files in your cache with the ones I have provided. You replace them with a cache tool, like Poesys cache tool, or Toms Cache Suite. Place the index folders directly in your cache. Open Client.java look for these methods and uncomment them one at a time. If you run your client with these uncommented out, they will repack that index folder. //repackCacheIndex(1); // models //repackCacheIndex(2); // anims //repackCacheIndex(3); // music //repackCacheIndex(4); // maps Like I said, do each of them one at a time, to assure they repack without issue.
  9. Contents: Items list Npcs list Objects list Working Animations!! Graphics Maps Objects Npcs Items Varbits Sprites Xteas in txt and in JSON format. [Hidden Content]
  10. Hey everyone, Thought this thread was a little dead so I thought I would start posting some stuff. The text lag everyone is experiencing with the new Valius release can be fixed by going to ClientFrame.java and changing this: if (resizable) { setMinimumSize(new Dimension(766 + insets.left + insets.right, 555 + insets.top + insets.bottom)); } To this: if (resizable) { setMinimumSize(new Dimension(770 + insets.left + insets.right, 560 + insets.top + insets.bottom)); }
  11. Please provide media of what you are talking about.


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