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Everything posted by Shirou

  1. Looks incredibly clean to say the least.
  2. You could use ads or even mass-email people from Release db's.
  3. Shirou

    lol XD

    Yikes, feelsbad but don't let it bother you too much, it's petty and childlike.
  4. Lesson, never take someone's word for it especially not on the internet.
  5. Well, I'm not a dj but I'm fascinated by the subject.
  6. Stock and BTC investments, any crypto currency basically.
  7. Well, I've done it all pretty much other then development.
  8. Apparently there's on on RS but dunno if there is one here.
  9. You could but I wouldn't recommend it.
  10. I don't quite follow, someone explain I'm having a brainfart right now lmfao.
  11. I'm on several, such as : Modern Warfare, Smite, Division 2 (not a fan favorite lmfao) and GTA5.
  12. I accidently posted this on the wrong thread, but to observe and watch content-based threads for the sole purpose of learning and adapting to better utilize my own projects.
  13. To observe content posts, to learn and better utilize my own projects, be more efficient and thorough.
  14. I don't believe they are in comparison to how massive it used to be.
  15. Hi there and welcome, quite new around here myself
  16. Hi there and welcome, quite new around here myself
  17. I absolutely love this lmfao, it's a simple introduction but it cracked me up.
  18. Shirou


    Hi there and welcome, quite new around here myself
  19. Hi, I'm Shirou, a 21 year old from Belgium and have been a part of the RSPS community for aslong as I can remember, practically grew up on RSPS. I'm mainly because the content others share intrigues me, basically a forum for me to observe to better utilize my own work whenever I get the chance to.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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