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Everything posted by leclerc

  1. i'd say that "non-received" won't work because an email with the download link is sent upon purchase but "not as described" would probably work lol.
  2. inb4 someone buys and charges back as unauthorized.
  3. lmfao, why are you selling Release downloads on r-server?
  4. quite outdated... there are better options out there!
  5. damn, quality release right here.
  6. wrong. other than the boundaries of the "safe pk" location, the wilderness signs and walls are not hard-coded.
  7. which cache editor was used for the wildy ditch? i'm wanting to revert that back to the original wildy ditch.
  8. probably the best release in the downloads section of various rsps forums today, in terms of content. great contribution!
  9. there are a bunch of blank hyperion-based projects in r-s downloads. vencillio is hyperion-based, if i remember correctly. you can take astereus and apollo in consideration, as well. data packing shouldn't take longer than 30 mins.
  10. leclerc

    OS World?

    although it just the typical pi loading osrs data, i'm interested in checking it out too. if anyone has it and would like to sell, send me a pm.
  11. do your camels have wifi?
  12. realized this since his first sale but idk why people still went for it.
  13. leclerc

    Centauri- Released

    someone seems to be selling those on sellfy.
  14. pretty much every release ever, hah. still interested in checking it out, where can i get or purchase it?
  15. thought you had it, lol. someone told me you were selling it a while ago.
  16. eclipse.org/downloads/eclipse-packages/
  17. never knew what all the hype around hyperion ii was, as i'm more into the osrs scene. i don't mind having a copy of hyperion ii though, any idea where i can get or purchase this?
  18. they most likely will not be making it for free. otherwise, cjay won't be selling it for the price it is.


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