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Everything posted by leclerc

  1. leclerc

    Vernox RS3 Release

    i have a working copy but since you want the og code...
  2. leclerc

    Vernox RS3 Release

    then, once you get that og copy, you'll be posting help threads on how to run it lol.
  3. is this "the american" on rune-server?
  4. lack of rsps sales = less leaks be reminded that it's leaking, not hacking into people's computers.
  5. leclerc


    welcome to the community. who do you model for?
  6. although they're both similar, use the arios release instead.
  7. it works fine, you just need to make some small changes.
  8. what issues were you having with the ones in the downloads section? i know that the version and rsa (?) needs to be changed before you can successfully login.
  9. there's a #121 vencillio client released on r-s, along with a #126 i believe.
  10. do some searching in the 317 downloads section, the forums aren't very big lol.
  11. only takes a few minutes to write up.
  12. basically but astrect has much more updates and fixes applied.
  13. leclerc


    your number of help topics on rune-server forums say otherwise.
  14. leclerc


    you use pi, which is just as bad.
  15. i'm just informing him of the client, lol. as for RSPS', weren't you a dev for a server(s) 1-2 weeks ago?
  16. disable sql or run the sql files locally.


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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