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Everything posted by Server

  1. Server


    Welcome to RuneLeak
  2. Server

    Ruse V2 - Released

    I can probably get the latest version from Gabbe if needed but wont leak it
  3. It's terrible, trust me. If you want it you have to dig through R-S for users whom started a project using novite 666
  4. Server


    Welcome to rune-ser.. I mean RuneLeak
  5. The last part can be done but their content is what makes it special, you can try and attempt and recreate it like many have though
  6. Server


    Welcome, a bit of appreciation for our community would be nice since they contributed to leaking sources.
  7. Alotic was never released and it's going to launch soon enough, no idea about NoxRune
  8. Server


    Welcome to RuneLeak
  9. Welcome to RuneLeak, Swaghetti
  10. Server


    Welcome to RuneLeak
  11. You own/developed Zulrune lol why are you all surprised lmao
  12. Server


    If taken into the right direction it will undoubtedly be more successful than rune-server. Welcome to RuneLeak
  13. Welcome to RuneLeak; don't be afraid to post a thread if you need assistance.
  14. Welcome to RuneLeak; I'm always here so if you need anything pm me
  15. Server

    How to run Lost-Isle

    I understand where you're coming from, everyone has to start from somewhere but if someone wants to do it the right way then he needs to learn the language rather than just download a source and host it for whatever reason.
  16. Server

    How to run Lost-Isle

    Thanks for the tutorial but one thing I'd like to point out; if someone can't run a server then he/she probably shouldn't start one.
  17. Kids in Africa could've eaten this thread In all seriousness; welcome to RuneLeak
  18. Server


    I wouldn't recommend learning to code from an rsps forums (there's only so much rsps has to offer). Should read books about the basics of Java, watch videos and listen to professors of computer science (They have vids up on YouTube).
  19. Server

    Ruse V2 - Released

    Good job on releasing this, I was fortunate enough to manage ruse's community and it did great, the v2 has some map data issues but when it gets fixed up it'll go great.
  20. Server


    Welcome, aren't you that admin from that custom rsps ?
  21. Good job, might be worth to check it out
  22. Server


    Welcome, mind pm'ing me your r-s user ? Pretty sure I know you
  23. Server


    Thanks Santa Like-wise, thanks!


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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