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Everything posted by Maximax

  1. Seems like the title might be wrong? The thread says v17 but it seems to be a copy-paste of the server's advertising thread. Edit: Nvm I checked and saw, among other stuff, that there are some models in there that correspond to ideas the owner had planned long after v17 shut down...
  2. RSPS isn't quite as popular as it used to be, here's hoping that changes in a few years when OSRS shuts down.
  3. I still can't wrap my head around the possibility of this being true ?
  4. ?️ Very enlightening and very cool ?️
  5. I love and hate this quest so much, props to you
  6. Any area can be good with map editing nowadays tbh, but supposing this were 2010 and barely any map editors existed I'd go for Yanille or Varrock.
  7. the holds a special place in my heart but I see how it could be seen as average by others...
  8. Depends on what you're going for really, but there's usually little reason not to give different options unless you're doing something peculiar and specific, like an early RS2 emulation.
  9. Neato, will check it out thx
  10. Maximax

    Sup bois

    'Ello. I exist. I'm just passing by for a rather specific reason, don't mind me.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


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