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  1. dreamz710


    Thankkkkkss brotherrrrr
  2. Thanks for the release, will use some stuff.
  3. Thanks for the release will use.
  4. I think the reason the top servers have all the players, is due to the community and how they handle new upcoming servers. I've heard stories of new servers being attacked, hacked, tormented and pushed back down so they can not reach the top. The top server owners/team do this to keep all the $ for themselves. Not to mention new developers have a hard time receiving help, If they do usually they are paying heavy for it, and half the time the person providing the service will sabotage the server. I have even caught a guy who did services on my server a while back implementing something that would allow spawning in a secret location, He would later log on and spawn items and sell them to my players under the table or ruin your economy ruining your server, I found out about this from a player who was honest enough to report it, I looked into it and found out what was allowing this and it was pretty sneaky, for an experienced developer would be easy to find but if your new could easily over look it.
  5. Interesting, like to see if someone has it.
  6. Could charge new rsps dev's for literally the simplest task's like a lot of them do lmfao. I remember when I started I reached out for help, Most people tried or did charge me quiet a lot for something I thought was worth it at the time. I later realized (with more experience) that some of those tasks were super simple and to this day if someone asked me for the same help I would provide it for free, lol. I cant believe how many people do this but must work pretty well.
  7. I can agree with some of these, but runex, Idk man. Pretty solid server.
  8. I wonder how these people get away with making that much money, Tbh I've had paypal shut me down because of petty unexplained amounts. Not to mention the IRS, They must be hosting this from a country where this stuff is allowable.
  9. I'm wondering what everyone's favorite type of rsps is? Feel free to explain in detail below!
  10. Edgevil if it is custom. Falador was one that I used and liked quiet a bit but feels empty if the server does not have alot of players
  11. Yes, Indeed. Many still do as alot of us have gotten older and lack the time to grind osrs or rs3 but still want to play the game.
  12. Anyone interested in discussing rsps development pm me your discord
  13. Hello everyone reading, I am new to development on rsps, I have on and off 3 years of experience. I am here reaching out for new knowledge, advice and help where I can find it. I will post anything useful that I feel is worthy of sharing to help support the community. Thanks for reading guys!


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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