I'd like to get into creating my own rsps
I know ::item 4151 1 is one abyssal whip,
I've read a few tutorials about changing shop amounts,
editing the items within' a shop,
Uhm, how to edit XP rates, and such..
I hear alot about caches and I see alot of { signs like..
and - if c.Engineer == 4151 and also 955
I have no idea where to start, I'll be reading some Java coding thing that I found on a guide
I'll be trying out downloading a source, and see if I can apply what I've read about these shop changes, XP rates etc..
If anyone that knows even little about creating, coding, editing rsps please do give me your beginner steps info, or guides you went through
A nice 317 source I can mess around with would be cool, anything really for someone that is clueless or knows nothing about RSPS.