I should perhaps have given more information on the thread itself, of what i am thinking of doing.
The idea is not to host a server that will be top listed, but just a small community based server, lets say max 40 players(which is more than i would expect).
But thats pretty much the "dream", to start off i would just like to simply work on a product and have friends test it.
So internet connection is the most important thing when it comes to hosting RSPS, not the hardware of the machine? - If thats so, would a NUC be able to handle it?
Now just speaking of old experience(5 years ago atleast) when deltascape got released, i hosted it and my internet at that time which was max 30/30, could handle 30 players without any issues.
So i was hoping that my 100/100 fiber could handle, as said before max 40 players on a "average" programmed server.
-And again, i would like to apologize if i was acting rude earlier.