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  1. Nice, thank you for this download!
  2. Bump, really want to understand this!
  3. Afternoon All! Just a quick one, I'm trying to get Keris to hit more against Kaphite NPC's. Here's what I've written, and for some reason it isn't working? in PlayerCombat.java public boolean hasKeris(Player player) { int weaponId = player.getEquipment().getWeaponId(); return weaponId == 10581 || weaponId == 10582 || weaponId == 10583; } also in PlayerCombat.java if (target instanceof NPC) { NPC n = (NPC) target; if (n.getId() == 1157 && hasKeris(player)) { double strengthBonus = player.getCombatDefinitions().getBonuses()[CombatDefinitions.STRENGTH_BONUS]; strengthBonus += 250; } } I'm attacking the NPC ID 1157 with Keris but it isn't hitting... I also tried dragging the NPC names using the below (which also didn't work!): if (target instanceof NPC) { NPC n = (NPC) target; if (n.getDefinitions().name.contains("Kalphite")) { if(weaponId == 10581) { Does anyone understand why this won't work? Cheers, Wzrd
  4. Bump! I could really use some help on this!
  5. Hello Everyone, I have just downloaded a new 718 source and client, and I'm logged in to begin testing for suitability. I have noticed Kuradal's 'Get Task' option doesn't do anything. I obviously want to get this working but I'm having difficulty getting it right... Does anyone have a working 'Get Task' option they could show me? My attempt is below, probably embarassing... Kuradal.java public static boolean getTask(Player player) { //stuck here! player.setTalkedWithKuradal(true); if (player.getTask() == null) { SlayerTask.random(player, Master.KURADAL); sendEntityDialogue(IS_NPC, "Kuradal", 9085, 9827, "Excellent, your task is to kill " + player.getTask().getTaskAmount() + " " + player.getTask().getName().toLowerCase() + "s.."); stage = 7; } else { sendEntityDialogue(IS_NPC, "Kuradal", 9085, 9827, "It seems like you already got an assignment. ", "Your task is to kill " + player.getTask().getTaskAmount() + " " + player.getTask().getName().toLowerCase() + "s."); stage = 4; } } NPCHandler.java (Under Option2) if (npc.getId() == 9805){ Kuradal.getTask();} Best Regards, Wzrd
  6. Will definitely give this a go. I'm using this! Epic source! Was looking for Feather 718/742 for ages, glad you've released this! Small error in bank.java, I have fixed, if anyone is struggling to fix this let me know.
  7. Definitely have to check this one out!
  8. This is almost a part of history, good stuff!
  9. Good looking release, wish I was interested in 317's.
  10. Good looking release, not sure if I'll look into this myself.
  11. Good watch, I'll check this out, thanks!
  12. On the hunt for Feather 718 Source and Client, a cache would be nice too!

  13. Ignore above I've posted in 'Complaints/Issue Reporting'!
  14. Hi All, I once used a server called Feather as a base, I am unable to find this again, can anyone supply an updated download link? Best Regards, Wzrd


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