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  1. Had this a while ago, but thanks for the release Had this a while ago, but thanks for the release
  2. First off, if you're looking for content, I can say from developing using this base that RS-Mod doesn't contain a whole lot of content. However with that said, it definitely makes up for a lack of content with how easy it is to add your own content through the plugin system. Check the log of the server-side ensuring that there are no compilation errors with any of the Kotlin-based plugins. Sometimes, depending on which cache you are using, a script will throw an error (NPC ID's are dumped into a file from the server depending on which cache you use). Some may be incompatible with the #181 release, which is RS-mod's most recent build.
  3. When you use Gradle, it may be better to use IntelliJ IDE, as it's cleaner and has integrated support for Gradle/Maven projects. You have to first "install" it. So look for the "Play" button (it may be grayed out) and near it should be some Run configurations. You can also (on the right hand side after importing) find a tab that says "Gradle". Most Gradle build options should be in that menu. Update: Played with the Gradle buildscripts a bit and managed to get as far as getting the server started before it failed due to SQL servers being down. You will most likely need to install MySQL on your computer as well. As it was intended to be a multi-world system, the server uses SQL for managing Playersaves, Friends list, etc. Looks like they originally had a JSON-based save system and gave up on it.
  4. Looks good, what program did you do the retexturing in?
  5. Awesome release, thanks for this. Might not particularly use but
  6. Looking good. Are you using Matrix, etc. or your own system?
  7. Looks good! Maybe re-work the Fishing skill itself to be more portable so that adding skill xp is easier?
  8. Hi! Nice to meet you! New to the RSPS scene?
  9. Hi All, Been in the RSPS game since about 2008, gradually getting more involved and working on a few of my own projects!


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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