Hello, my handle is Leviathan, I'm 21 years of age,
I started coding around 13, and it wasnt anything big, id only really handle the shops and npc spawns and the little stuff everyone didnt want to do,
I played rs like it was my life XD, i got into the rsps scene after my parents couldnt afford to buy me membership and i couldnt stand playing f2p, so i had a friend introduce me to an rsps, and at the time it was a spawnPk server called PVP-Planet, it was one of the first acutal servers i played and enjoyed XD.
AFter geting myself acquainted with java, kotlin and some other languages i came back and started coding servers, the first source i worked on was Ethos source that was terrible, it had so many issues with instancing and skilling that i pretty much had to start from scratch. It was fun but a lot of work, and after that i joined some teams that helped me out with learning better ways to write code.
Anyhow thats my intro, yeeeeeett