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Everything posted by Lagoon

  1. Lagoon


    I'd like to take a look at this.
  2. Lagoon

    Illerai Client

    I'd like to also take a peak at this one
  3. Yes. It'll work for any of the Arios based 530s.
  4. Doesn't look half bad actually, thanks.
  5. I hope this isn't the base I think it is
  6. This is pretty nice actually.
  7. Lagoon


    Is this the most updated copy?
  8. Actually looks pretty decent, nice.
  9. Lol, I was actually looking for this, Thanks!
  10. How new is this - in regards to the actual Lost-Isle how far behind is this copy?
  11. Thanks! Hopefully this is truly the latest copy
  12. Sorry for the grave dig / bump.. but I really hope this link works
  13. Thanks Ace, let's see how this is.
  14. I have everything, but i don't know if i'm willing to publicly post a link for it. :///
  15. Lagoon


    Just browsing through these forums, made an account incase i want to get a file i don't already have


[email protected]


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