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P1x3l L3g3nd

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  1. Welcome to the community, any new comers will need 10 players to comment on their thread to be able to see hidden downloads. I would appreciate if I got a response on my introduction as well, so we can be able to download hidden links a lot faster. cheers lad
  2. Welcome to the community, any new comers will need 10 players to comment on their thread to be able to see hidden downloads. I would appreciate if I got a response on my introduction as well, so we can be able to download hidden links a lot faster.
  3. Welcome to the community, any new comers will need 10 players to comment on their thread to be able to see hidden downloads. I would appreciate if I got a response on my introduction as well, so we can be able to download hidden links a lot faster.
  4. Welcome to the community, you will need 10 players to comment on your thread in order for you to download hidden links, best way to do it, reply to each others threads.
  5. Welcome to the community, to download hidden links you will need 10 players respond to your thread. Would appreciate if you commented on my post as well.
  6. Welcome all the best on your new experiences.
  7. Welcome to the community lad, all the best on your adventure.
  8. Welcome to the community broski, wish you all the best on your new adventure. Stay positive and active!
  9. Welcome to the community, all the best on your new adventure!
  10. WElcome guys, all the best on your new adventure.
  11. Yeah same thing is happening to me. We need to get 10 players to comment to our introduction, because we are very new.
  12. Welcome to the community lad, all the best.
  13. Good afternoon Ladies and Gents. My name is Ayberk, I have been on rsps for roughly about 6 years. I decided to expand on my adventure and get into developing. So I'm here to learn new experiences and see where it takes me.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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