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Everything posted by hock_two

  1. hock_two


    played novea a while back, interested to see what all's the same.
  2. Thanks for the post, definitely going to check this out.
  3. Personally a fan of clan wars, especially now that they've made LMS a thing, setup almost as a marketplace.
  4. Purple is pretty cool, a combination of the popular two blue and red.
  5. Terrorscape First server I ever played, first time experiencing dupes, first time experiencing resets, graphic changes, you name it. What a 2 years.
  6. For as many people saying slayer, I can't believe how many people still beg in the GE considering Gp/Hr past 75 slayer.
  7. Can't go wrong with no-customs 317. -Will
  8. Similar to Animation Smoothing and other HD effects, I'd hope it could toggle on/off. I wouldn't mind a change of scenery while doing a semi-afk slayer task.
  9. Glad to have you on the forums!
  10. A warm welcome and lots of good wishes!
  11. hock_two


    Hello Just looking to mess around with source/clients to branch out my coding knowledge.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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