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Anti-Virus Squad
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Arithium last won the day on March 10 2017

Arithium had the most liked content!

About Arithium

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  1. Arithium


    Thanks for the release!
  2. Arithium


    Thanks for the release!
  3. Arithium


    Updated link, not sure why it broke. [Hidden Content]
  4. Arithium


    I wrote the nav bar myself. It was made to replicate ikov.
  5. Arithium


    Ruse is a compilation of multiple servers put together. There is code from desolace, zamorak and asteria. The problem is Gabbe is an idiot and wrote crap code on top of code he ripped from other servers. While ruse is definitely better then project insanity, it still has a lot of bad design choices.
  6. Arithium


    Your right, project insanity is worse.
  7. Arithium


    Since the person decided to not pay me what was left and dispute his first payment, I'm just going to be releasing the source. And since they removed it from rune-server, I'm going to release it here. Basically Ruse with swiffy's updated combat & some other features such as player owned shops, anti aliasing, fog, osrs bosses, etc.. Download: [Hidden Content] Media:
  8. The client itself is from zamorak. No point in removing it now since so many people already have it. May as well let them do something with it.
  9. Thats because it contained my client and I had it removed.
  10. If it counts, I'm the one who actually started [Hidden Content] and helped build [Hidden Content] up to 400 players.
  11. I have no clue, I was going to help him learn until he decided to tell me he couldn't afford to pay me.
  12. Post count means nothing to me. It was a genuine question. I don't think I've seen any higher revision servers actually being successful here recently, which is why I was curious on whether or not people still play them.
  13. Arithium

    Packets error

    You only need a packet size of 2 since this is all your reading. int clientId = c.getInStream().readSignedWordBigEndian();



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