Hello everyone! Glad to be a part of this community. A few things about me:
Age- 25
Sex- Male
Name- Adam (InsanePhobia/Insane/Phobia)
Origin: USA (East Coast)
I'm married and have 1 son and two step-children (Boy is 10 and girl is 6). I've played Runescape Private servers off and on since Revision 562. I've moderated/administrated a few servers and at one point I began downloading sources/clients and playing around with java. I'm not that advanced in it, but I'll say that you can find a tutorial for anything on forums/youtube. I like to play RS3/OSRS from time to time. I currently have my Associates of Business Administration and I am currently pursuing my BBA of Management Information Systems, which pretty much includes the Business aspect as well as some coding aspect. Anyways glad to be a part of this project/community. Feel free to ask any questions!