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Java last won the day on August 9 2018

Java had the most liked content!

About Java

  • Birthday 06/22/1994

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  1. Java

    Valius - Released

    Says the kid checking years outdated work like he's gonna get somewhere with it ?
  2. This does have a rat in it, its also months outdated with several exploits (which is why you see it here). gl if you run it
  3. Java


    Good luck with your hunt man.
  4. Java


    Thanks guys, my project thread will be posted soon
  5. Theres an empty class and a teleport. Not even a npc definition added for skitzo.
  6. Doesnt include Skitzo though everything else so far seems fine.
  7. If only someone had an updated version. could just add an obfuscator to the client, takes care of hack clients. and i've fixed several bugs and a few dupes not in that release.



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