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Titanium last won the day on August 7 2019

Titanium had the most liked content!

About Titanium

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  1. ? wonder what's different with this version.
  2. Didn't think i'd ever see this here, but nice.
  3. A name I haven't heard in awhile.
  4. Titanium

    Ikov (arrav) - Release

    Decent base, but now adays there's quite a few better things.
  5. Needed client for something, thanks.
  6. Yes, only because it was a friend running it. I've been done with RSPS for months. I have an app, school, and work to focus on. Most of my free time consists of working on my app, and it gives me far more enjoyment than RSPS, due to me constantly learning new things.
  7. What are you implying lmao? Apart from background changing, custom icon support, and unlocking a couple CS2's the client is a vanilla Lost-isle client. Most of the price was from the work that was put into the server. If you've bothered to look at the work Alex did, he fixed numerous interfaces that broke(due to) updating the cache, fixed numerous items(item bonuses, equipment location, etc) and a bunch of other things. I left the project months ago so I don't know what's been done lately, but I can assure you, the last time I spoke to Alex, he's done a significant amount of work since I've left the project and hopefully he'll end up hosting it. I'm no longer apart of Astrect, nor RSPS, so I just figured i'd fill in the facts OT: @Merp I can locate my client later and can share it with you. I've no use for it anymore and as it's nothing special, no need to "hide" or "keep" it for myself anymore.
  8. Titanium


    Don't bother with it. It's a waste of time fixing all the problems with the leaked version. And the only version I have is Hank's.
  9. Titanium


    I don't quite remember all of them off the top of my head, but I will tell you there's more than enough to make you waste your time for 2-3 months just doing fixes instead of adding actual content.
  10. Titanium


    Good luck finding. You're going to run into a lot of issues to fix though. Hank, Tim and I spent nearly most of our time fixing issues instead of adding new content.
  11. Looks ok, but the custom head icons are disgusting
  12. Titanium


    Yes, that'd be me.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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