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Everything posted by ilord

  1. this is unworthy of my download.
  2. definitley difficult to resist downloading
  3. you are not worthy my time.
  4. ilord


    cant make up my as to wether this is real or not
  5. this is unacceptable dont do this
  6. abandon your fear, redemtion is at hand.
  7. ilord


    its not shit lol this is great
  8. ilord


  9. ilord

    hyperion 718/751

    i remember this from back in the day....
  10. ilord

    EradicationX Reborn

    greatly appreciated buddy thanks
  11. definitley gonna check this out thanks
  12. wonderfully wonderful my good friend
  13. appreciate this keep it up fam
  14. thanks for this, might look into it.
  15. ive never really drank alcohol lol.
  16. please, just keep OSRS as it is. it is already hardly old school.
  17. lol. sorry that im starting this off with a laugh, but my experience with "online money making" makes me laugh whenever i see someone inquiring about or trying to get into online money making. its simply not worth it. i have done many online money making courses, including dropshopping, advertising, and sales management. the chance of actually succeeding and making a stable, decent and premanent income is 1 in 100000. i will not get too deep into details, but ill just say that its not worth it.
  18. 10 posts buddy. not too difficult to get, just make sure you dont spam.
  19. i once saw a screenshot of ikov's owners paypal. it had over 1 million dollar balance and that was back in 2013. it was posted on the same day ikov got shut down lol.
  20. in my opinion servers should have rather fast experience rates, as the main focus should be competing with other players in different aspects such as economy, pking and other unique features that every server has.
  21. you probably havent heard of it..it was callled firefusionscape. i have memories of it from when i was 12 years old (over 10 years ago). that server really had me spending wonderful, unforgettable time. i still even remember where i was standing ingame when the server disconnected for the first time and never came back online again. you could fine the server's website if you google firefusion scape, its still up and running.
  22. thanks lol the guide on runehq wasnt much accurate


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


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