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  1. Just looking around for something to practice with Just looking around for something to practice with
  2. gonna check this out. thanks
  3. Bonto


    No Idea what to do with this Gradle stuff. Wanting to get a server set up to practice and play around with locally, but can't get it running because i'm unfamiliar with Gradle. Of course, I could just download one without Gradle and I can get that running... But that's too easy ? If anyone can give some advice on getting a server with gradle set up in eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, i'd appreciate it
  4. Is there anyone that can help with Gradle, I'm not familiar with setting the server up to run in eclipse with Gradle. Thanks in advance Is there anyone that can help with Gradle, I'm not familiar with setting the server up to run in eclipse with Gradle. Thanks in advance
  5. Thanks for this, going to download Thanks for this, going to download
  6. Definitely going to be using this
  7. thanks for this release might come back to this
  8. this is definitely a feature i would want to have on my server this is definitely a feature i would want to have on my server
  9. good start to it, did you finish?
  10. Not gonna lie this is pretty impressive
  11. Awesome man. Good tip to just finish what ya start and then take a break lol
  12. These are neat. I want to learn to create my own custom items one of these days!
  13. To change the IP of your server, check in your settings of your source, if you haven't already found it.



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