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  1. is it working to anyoone????
  2. Looking nice! Can't see cos I need to reply to the thread first
  3. Im replying to the thread to see the content!
  4. nice, how long did it take to model it?
  5. Thanks, maybe a tutorial on how to add a button toggling shift-drop?
  6. How efficient is this compared to Java-based servers? Any benchmarks?
  7. It must've taken ages! Nice work!
  8. Can somebody explain what it does? Like, was it the map you imported or something else? If so, how?
  9. Did you make animation for this too?
  10. Is it hard to import such models to the server? Also, how about animation?
  11. asjdnfkasn


    Hello, I'm new to RSPS development, but not to programming in general. I played a bit with 2006rebotted, but wanted to see what other people have been working on, and hopefully contribute!


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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