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Everything posted by Masque

  1. Masque

    Near-Reality (2021)

    Near Reality Package - Not taking credit for the leak - Download: [Hidden Content] Media:
  2. Equinox 317 Package - Not taking credit for the leak - This was posted already by another user. I scanned it for malicious code and found some fun "anti-leeches" which have been removed. This is a custom server that apparently had 300 players at one point. Download: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Media:
  3. Suic's Model Editor Here is the latest version of Suic's Model Editor. Media: The editor is not complete, so lots of the features don't work. Here is what I have found so far: Hotkeys (Not all working) - M - Texture Mapping V - Animation Viewer W - Weighting CTRL Z - Undo CTRL Y - Redo I have edited the tool to save models to a subdirectory in the same folder that the editor is in, and I have provided a .bat file to run it with the correct java version in the download. When you edit a model and click File, save, it will save it in the "savedmodels" folder in the same folder that the jar file is in. I have found only 2 caches the editor is compatible with, Luminite and Utopia. What I recommend is packing your models in one of these caches, editing your model then saving it and using the .dat produced. Here is a link to the editor, including the .bat file to run it: [hide][Hidden Content]] Here is the link to Utopia's cache: [Hidden Content] Here is the link to Luminite's cache: [Hidden Content] I may be providing support for the editor later. Message me on discord Masque#5958
  4. why did you like the post then 🤯
  5. AnimeScape Custom Models AnimeScape briefly opened their beta yesterday, here are their models. Download: [hide][Hidden Content]] Media: Felt cute might delete later
  6. Coliseum Models (Latest) Download Link: [hide][Hidden Content]] Media:
  7. Genesis Models (Latest) Download Link: [hide][Hidden Content]] Media:
  8. Nightmare Package Download Link: [hide][Hidden Content]] Media:
  9. Masque

    Ares OS Leaked

    Thanks for your contribution!
  10. Valuable share, thank you!
  11. CustomX models, not protected just annoying to find. Media: Download: [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. Stargaze latest models (previously protected) Media: Download: [hide][Hidden Content]]
  13. Masque

    SerenPS Full Package

    Thanks for sharing jack!
  14. Masque

    Platinum custom rsps

    Thanks for the release 🤩


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

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Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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