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Flub last won the day on May 29 2024

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  1. Damn you're expanding the Jire software empire lol
  2. Flub

    Fluxious - HD - #200

    Need an interface thx
  3. I've always liked being able to reference an item in code via static ints. I have a file named Items.java, and I simply reference Items.RUNE_ARROW for example. Well if you want this too, I made this to generate them. public static void main(String[] args) { try { File dumpedDefs = new File("./DumpedDefs.txt"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(dumpedDefs, false); //Loading ints into definitions[] init(); HashMap<String, ItemDefinition> map = new HashMap<>(); // Adding definitions into a hashmap in reverse // This replaces items that have duplicate names such as tinderbox // With the version which has the lowest ID // The key for the map is the name of the item for (int i = definitions.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { ItemDefinition itemDef = forId(i); if (!itemDef.description.contains("null")) { String stack = itemDef.isStackable() ? "_STACK" : ""; String noted = itemDef.isNoted() ? "_NOTED" : ""; String name = itemDef.name.replaceAll(" ", "_") .replaceAll("'", "") .replaceAll("!", "") .replaceAll("%", "") .replaceAll("-", "_") .replace("+", "PLUS") .replace("(", "") .replace(")", "") .replace(".", "_") .replace("&", "_") .replace("/", "_OF_") .replace(",", "_") .replace("?", "") .replaceAll("\"", "") + (itemDef.isNoted() ? noted : stack); if (Character.isDigit(name.charAt(0))) { name = "_" + name; } map.put(name, itemDef); } } ArrayList<Integer> itemArray = new ArrayList<>(); // Adding all of the items from the hashmap into an array that we can sort for (String key : map.keySet()) { ItemDefinition itemDef = map.get(key); itemArray.add(itemDef.id); } // printing the unsorted ArrayList System.out.println("Before Sorting: " + itemArray); // Sorting ArrayList in ascending Order Collections.sort(itemArray); // printing the sorted ArrayList System.out.println("After Sorting: " + itemArray); // Writing the file and removing junk from the name for (Integer integer : itemArray) { ItemDefinition itemDef = forId(integer); String stack = itemDef.isStackable() ? "_STACK" : ""; String noted = itemDef.isNoted() ? "_NOTED" : ""; String name = itemDef.name.replaceAll(" ", "_") .replaceAll("'", "") .replaceAll("!", "") .replaceAll("%", "") .replaceAll("-", "_") .replace("+", "PLUS") .replace("(", "") .replace(")", "") .replace(".", "_") .replace("&", "_") .replace("/", "_OF_") .replace(",", "_") .replace("?", "") .replaceAll("\"", "") + (itemDef.isNoted() ? noted : stack); if (Character.isDigit(name.charAt(0))) { name = "_" + name; } fw.write("public static int " + name.toUpperCase() + " = " + itemDef.id + "; \n"); } fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Example of the ints generated: public static int TOOLKIT = 1; public static int CANNONBALL_STACK = 2; public static int NULODIONS_NOTES = 3; public static int AMMO_MOULD = 4; public static int INSTRUCTION_MANUAL = 5; public static int CANNON_BASE = 6; public static int CANNON_BASE_NOTED = 7; public static int CANNON_STAND = 8; public static int CANNON_STAND_NOTED = 9; public static int CANNON_BARRELS = 10; public static int CANNON_BARRELS_NOTED = 11; public static int CANNON_FURNACE = 12; public static int CANNON_FURNACE_NOTED = 13; public static int RAILING_STACK = 14; public static int HOLY_TABLE_NAPKIN = 15; public static int MAGIC_WHISTLE = 16; public static int GRAIL_BELL = 17; public static int MAGIC_GOLD_FEATHER = 18; public static int HOLY_LONGBOW = 20; public static int COPSE_LONGBOW = 21; public static int ELEGANT_LONGBOW = 22; public static int MALEVOLENT_LONGBOW = 23; public static int RAT_POISON = 24; public static int RED_VINE_WORM_STACK = 25; public static int FISHING_TROPHY = 26; public static int FISHING_PASS = 27; public static int INSECT_REPELLENT = 28; public static int TINDERBOX = 29; public static int BUCKET_OF_WAX = 30; public static int LIT_BLACK_CANDLE = 32; public static int LIT_CANDLE = 33; public static int LIT_CANDLE_STACK = 34; public static int EXCALIBUR = 35; public static int CANDLE = 36; public static int CANDLE_NOTED = 37; Thanks boiz
  4. Flub

    Platinum custom rsps

    Need cache god damnit
  5. Masque - Massive respect to the effort put into this!
  6. Thanks for sharing Epic I always preferred buggy sources - like you said it's great to learn on.
  7. Thanks, annoyingly I tried using GPT-3 initially, however their API is pretty shitty when used through Java! This API is much nicer to work with, although less impressive
  8. So I thought it would be cool to make an NPC actually think and respond back to a player. Decided to make it happen lol. It uses an AI API to generate a HTTP response. Can convert to other 317 sources prolly. Each player can have their own convo with the AI, the history is unique to them. Can also be used as a chat system for an NPC.. Here I simple enabled a chat response for any NPC within 1 square of the player. Obviously this is dumb, it's just a demo


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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