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Diddy Ranqe

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  1. why cant i download and ive liked?
  2. send console error and i can try help. add my discord Diddy Ranqe#4105
  3. Roat Pkz, Pwnxile/Pwnscape/Ownxile.
  4. Add me on Discord, "Diddy Ranqe"#4105 I'd be sure to give you a helping hand.
  5. Also in UseItemPacketListener.java Add for (int OBJ : Cooking.getRanges()) { if (OBJ == gameObject.getId()) { for (final CookingFood food : CookingFood.values()) { if (food.getRaw().getId() == itemId) { Cooking.init(player, food, gameObject); } } } } Or none of the ranges will work. But nevertheless good release.
  6. I know its not much, but its nice to give back to the community, and there isn't really much released on elvarg for new coders so thought I'd release. Firstly go to your client and find Itemdefinition.java Search for switch (itemId) { Add this under. Then go back to your server files and make a new package called content. In this package create PetMbox.java Paste this to PetMbox.java package com.elvarg.game.content; import java.util.Random; import com.elvarg.world.entity.impl.player.Player; /** * * @author Insidia X aka DR AHK * Discord: Diddy Ranqe#4105 * */ public class PetMbox { /** * The item id of the PetMbox is below. */ public static final int PET_MYSTERY_BOX = 6829; /** * If the roll is between 0 and 250 it pays out these items. {} - FILL THE BLANKS BELOW */ public static int[] WORST_PET_PRIZE = new int[] { 272 }; /** * If the roll is between 251 and 399 it pays out these items. {} - FILL THE BLANKS BELOW */ public static int [] MED_PET_PRIZE = new int[] { 7582, 7583, 1561, 11995 }; /** * If the roll is between 401, and 487 it pays out these items. {} - FILL THE BLANKS BELOW */ public static int [] RARE_PET_PRIZE = new int[] { 13177, 13178 }; /** * Generates the roll the pay out the prize. */ public static int generateRandomNumber() { return new Random().nextInt(611 - 0) + 0; } /** * Gets the random item from the item arrays at the top. */ public static int getRandomItem(int[] array) { return array[new Random().nextInt(array.length)]; } /** * Opens the box and gives the player a random pet or fish food. */ public static void openPetMbox(Player player) { int randomNumber = generateRandomNumber(); int randomItem = 0; player.getInventory().delete(PET_MYSTERY_BOX, 1); player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You open the box, thank you for donating. Good luck!"); if (randomNumber > 0 && randomNumber < 250) { // Select low quality item to give player randomItem = getRandomItem(WORST_PET_PRIZE); player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("@red@You got fish food, unlucky."); } if (randomNumber > 251 && randomNumber < 399) { // Select med quality item to give player randomItem = getRandomItem(MED_PET_PRIZE); player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("@gre@You just got a PET!!!!!"); } if (randomNumber > 401 && randomNumber < 487) { // Select high quality item to give player randomItem = getRandomItem(RARE_PET_PRIZE); player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("@blu@You just got a RARE PET!!!!!"); } player.getInventory().add(randomItem, 1); } } Then go into ItemPacketListener.java Add this import in. import com.elvarg.game.content.PetMbox; Search for public void handleOption(Player player, int option) And under Add case PetMbox.PET_MYSTERY_BOX: PetMbox.openPetMbox(player); break;


[email protected]


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