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Everything posted by Slatum

  1. I've been holding onto these files for a while, they are shit but this is basically dreamscape before they added more shitty content. PI Custom base. Only thing worth ripping would probably be bank tabs. Lots of bugs, I don't recommend hosting this. Make sure you edit cache name, and set server to There are also a few things in the server coding you need to delete, small errors. Remove the MotivoteRS in Commands.java Delete the "::redeem" command in Commands.java Virus Scan: Server/Client: [Hidden Content] Cache: [Hidden Content] Media:
  2. checking the pictures!
  3. just checking out media
  4. Just checking this out.
  5. just checking the client.
  6. Slatum


    checking out media
  7. Slatum

    Dawntained (Clean)

    Thanks, i'll check it out.
  8. Slatum


    I personally will not use, just not much of an OSRS base kind of person. But thank you for the contribution.
  9. Slatum


    Thank you for the contribution.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. If anyone Release this, I would literally cry. [Hidden Content] R-S Link
  12. Can anyone make a tutorial on how to use this correctly?
  13. Does anyone know if this is compatible with ruse?


[email protected]


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