Hey everyone.
I'm mitis, you can call me 'i'. I'm in my late twenties.
Started playing RSPS as early as 2008-2009 ish, I think like many, I was in my early teens (11-13 years old) at the time. I started out by downloading everything I possibly could, using default notepad to change source names to something I quickly came up. Like PAT, I eventually realized (after being called out) that I was "leeching" others' work. At first, due to my bad understanding of English and the fact that I was young, I didn't understand what was meant, however I realized that it literally meant that I was downloading somebody's source and hosting it under a new name.
That is essentially where I started my journey into development. I started reading tutorials (from various forums) on how to add in new content, grand exchange, bosses, import models and I was having a blast. Eventually I got into highschool and I was fairly busy, then came university. Now I've found a job and I'm looking for a hobby. I'd love to come back to the community and see what interesting things people've come up with.
Looking forward to meeting new people and very possibly contributing to the community.