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Everything posted by imitis

  1. Thanks for this, looking to implement some items.
  2. Looking for a decent starting point, thanks for the release.
  3. Want to see the media. - This is dope! Going to 3d print this.
  4. Hey everyone. I'm mitis, you can call me 'i'. I'm in my late twenties. Started playing RSPS as early as 2008-2009 ish, I think like many, I was in my early teens (11-13 years old) at the time. I started out by downloading everything I possibly could, using default notepad to change source names to something I quickly came up. Like PAT, I eventually realized (after being called out) that I was "leeching" others' work. At first, due to my bad understanding of English and the fact that I was young, I didn't understand what was meant, however I realized that it literally meant that I was downloading somebody's source and hosting it under a new name. That is essentially where I started my journey into development. I started reading tutorials (from various forums) on how to add in new content, grand exchange, bosses, import models and I was having a blast. Eventually I got into highschool and I was fairly busy, then came university. Now I've found a job and I'm looking for a hobby. I'd love to come back to the community and see what interesting things people've come up with. Looking forward to meeting new people and very possibly contributing to the community.
  5. Holy 😮 haven't been in this rsps seen forever, this is great!
  6. Was looking for this, thanks
  7. Let me know if you find any


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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