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    My mom.. duuh

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  1. now this looks cool, tyvm for sharing.
  2. this one is weird.. mainly because of the luigi NPCs and the odd armour they worn in the video still, tyvm for releasing it.
  3. Nexus

    Runeline Full Package

    Wonder why it was taken down there, ty for bringing it here.
  4. Thanks, gonna give this a go and sometime soon and then archive it. nvm, the link is dead, just brings up domain sales.
  5. Nexus

    SerenPS Full Package

    Not gonna lie, the video makes the server look really sweet, hoping it is sweet rather than dull. Thanks for the share!
  6. True, would be nice seeing more unique servers floating around, rather than keep making custom panels/items. I do remember one that had 4-5 custom skills, firebase I think? Don't exactly remember the name but think it had fire in it. Thought that was pretty sweet.
  7. 10 I believe, it's used to combat bots and leachers from just downloading stuff without doing anything in return.
  8. would have to be the chicken, because what creature would lay the egg where the first hatched chicken comes from?
  9. Noodles, Lots and lots of noodles! as long they're cooked just right with enough dressing and not sitting in too much water. Tastes amazing!
  10. Nexus


    Chuck Norris is the one and only true god that rules over us all, any non-believers will get punched by the strength of his 3rd fist.
  11. I like 317s because they remind me of the time when I started playing rs. But overall, I prefer the RS3 rsps, reason why is for practicing on bosses before I attempt them in RS3. Just to minimize the risk of dying and to know what I'll be up against before risking.
  12. Red is a nice color. Also like white because it can blend with just about any other color.
  13. Honda Civic Type R 2020/2021 Like the looks of it as well as the interior decors to it, (always been a honda person).



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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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