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  1. Tedx

    Runeline Full Package

    Thanks for sharing, let me see.
  2. Tedx

    Drako Files

    Where did you get them from?
  3. Interesting sword, hopefully you actually implemented it into a server
  4. Tedx


    The image is not working.
  5. Tedx


    With what do you need help?
  6. Lol interesting idea, don't think it's endless though.
  7. That's very interesting, kinda wondering if some other rsps's use pk bots too to make it look like their server is active..
  8. I'd suggest looking up some videos or so, it'll help.
  9. Tedx

    No idea.

    If you still need help, feel free to Message me and i can help you.
  10. Portforwarding is done on your router.
  11. Looks interesting, well done :)



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What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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