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Everything posted by GodJesseJames

  1. because no keyframe system.
  2. its most up to data its legit live osrs rn
  3. GodJesseJames

    Ferox 214

    Grim is the realist
  4. Hello i will be sharing how to update the client to load 211+ maps everything your going to be editing is in ObjectManager. underlays and underlays got changed from a byte to a short. you will see something like this aByteArrayArrayArray142[l][k9][i8] & 0xf for this underlays[l][x][z] & 0xff same thing for overlays the & 0xff needs to be & 0x3FFF Make sure you do both overlays and underlays you will see something like this private void method181(int i, int j, Buffer stream, int k, int l, int i1, int k1) { try { if (k >= 0 && k < 104 && i >= 0 && i < 104) { int absX = (k1 + k); int absY = (j + i); int absZ = (i1 + l); tileFlags[l][k][i] = 0; do { int l1 = stream.readUnsignedByte(); if (l1 == 0) if (l == 0) { tileHeights[0][k][i] = -calculateVertexHeight(0xe3b7b + k + k1, 0x87cce + i + j) * 8; return; } else { tileHeights[l][k][i] = tileHeights[l - 1][k][i] - 240; return; } if (l1 == 1) { int j2 = stream.readUnsignedByte(); if (j2 == 1) j2 = 0; if (l == 0) { tileHeights[0][k][i] = -j2 * 8; return; } else { tileHeights[l][k][i] = tileHeights[l - 1][k][i] - j2 * 8; return; } } if (l1 <= 49) { overlays[l][k][i] = stream.readSignedByte(); overlayTypes[l][k][i] = (byte) ((l1 - 2) / 4); overlayOrientations[l][k][i] = (byte) ((l1 - 2) + i1 & 3); } else if (l1 <= 81) tileFlags[l][k][i] = (byte) (l1 - 49); else underlays[l][k][i] = (byte) (l1 - 81); } while (true); } do { int i2 = stream.readUnsignedByte(); if (i2 == 0) break; if (i2 == 1) { stream.readUnsignedByte(); return; } if (i2 <= 49) stream.readUnsignedByte(); } while (true); } catch (Exception e) { } } make sure it looks like this private void method181(int i, int j, Buffer stream, int k, int l, int i1, int k1) { try { if (k >= 0 && k < 104 && i >= 0 && i < 104) { int absX = (k1 + k); int absY = (j + i); int absZ = (i1 + l); tileFlags[l][k][i] = 0; do { int l1 = stream.readUShort(); if (l1 == 0) if (l == 0) { tileHeights[0][k][i] = -calculateVertexHeight(0xe3b7b + k + k1, 0x87cce + i + j) * 8; return; } else { tileHeights[l][k][i] = tileHeights[l - 1][k][i] - 240; return; } if (l1 == 1) { int j2 = stream.readUnsignedByte(); if (j2 == 1) j2 = 0; if (l == 0) { tileHeights[0][k][i] = -j2 * 8; return; } else { tileHeights[l][k][i] = tileHeights[l - 1][k][i] - j2 * 8; return; } } if (l1 <= 49) { overlays[l][k][i] = (short) stream.readSignedWord(); overlayTypes[l][k][i] = (byte) ((l1 - 2) / 4); overlayOrientations[l][k][i] = (byte) ((l1 - 2) + i1 & 3); } else if (l1 <= 81) tileFlags[l][k][i] = (byte) (l1 - 49); else underlays[l][k][i] = (short) (l1 - 81); } while (true); } do { int i2 = stream.readUShort(); if (i2 == 0) break; if (i2 == 1) { stream.readUnsignedByte(); return; } if (i2 <= 49) stream.readSignedWord(); } while (true); } catch (Exception e) { } }that should do it
  5. its broken to hell good sir. it wasnt't his to give. he forced epic the guy who started exilius out and it fell because he left me to code. and i had to fix his fuck ups. all the client work is mine sorry buddy didnt know the truth but now that i know im so sorry. this man is not the one that started all the shit.
  6. sorry buddy didnt know the truth but now that i know im so sorry. this man is not the one that started all the shit.
  7. Sorry for anyone who was waiting for a xeros release i been busy with exilius ;p


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