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Everything posted by MazeEvent

  1. I've just been comparing and contrasting bases
  2. Might as well look even if only for mobile
  3. I'd love to take a peek at this, mostly for the runelite portion
  4. Does it have incredible lag like the real deadman tournament? Lol
  5. Technically aren't all runescape servers medieval servers?
  6. I know of some servers with mobile clients. Definitely possible
  7. This is cursed. I wish I could unsee it
  8. Wild how often the other people in the video had no prayer up
  9. Quests are always difficult but it's possible to make a more generic state machine that can speed up subsequent quest scripts
  10. Give us an update, don't just leave us hanging
  11. Wonder if there's any actual machine learning chat bots you could use for this


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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