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Everything posted by skalfate

  1. I love them all. As a skiller, every skill was pure pleasure.
  2. The 10 post limit is a bit tough. Id say no more than 4 posts or 5. But welcome.
  3. Hi Josh, nice to meet you. Welcome.
  4. Its wonderful to see a programmer. Runescape thrives due to folks like you.
  5. Its a pleasure to meet you. I would love to see you accomplish your desire to contribute. All the better for the future of this game.
  6. Welcome indeed. Nice to meet you all. the 10 post limit should be at 2-4 at max. Quite a strong wall to break down.
  7. Hi my name is SkalFate. Nice to of have become a part of this community and website. I am lucky and excited to be able to have the chance to be able to learn and play runescape the way it use to be before EOC. My sincere gratitude and thanks to all involved in making that happen! Thank you.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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