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    hole in the floor

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  1. this is a nice looking tool i cant wait to download as use it
  2. inuyasha as one of the animes i liked watching so i went with that as a name not too shocking there is a few of others with the same name lol its almost as common as naruto, bleach, overlord names now in days. well thats enough on how i got this name i picked so about me well im new and very very interested in trying to legit build my own RSPS from start to finish with my own touches but for now im sure i wont have an easy editor like most of you so im stuck using IntelliJ IDEA program. my goal is to make a RSPS from near 2001 with the R3 graphics .
  3. if there is a copy out there would someone send me a copy of the first Old school Runescape ? also can someone send a copy of R3 if they have one clean or not dont matter i would like to incorporate them together in some ways such as the R3 graphics alone but the sweet old runescape i remember from like 2001 or so whatever year when it first was public if u wanna contact me just message me on here please.
  4. im here looking through a taking in as much information as i can (without killing my brain) and would like to know if there is any way to fix a missing file if you have no idea what it is to run your server? not sure if its a broken source but i have gotten one from another website since this one wont allow me to click links due to a flawed rule that should not apply to all new members just those that spam and cause issues. (kids in most cases im sure)
  5. is there a way to merge the configurations if your some how able to merge the 2 or more sources together (with no bugs and working)? if there is can someone provide a link if there is already a spot i might have over looked of not noticed ?
  6. i would like to know if there is a app or way to learn programming like from k -12 ? if you know what i mean for the languages such as java key example . i would like to find a way of using java like im learning to read for the first time as a kid thus getting the most basics through the advanced. example grasshopper on android phones teaches basics to build in visual basic language.
  7. was/is this the very first version online back in 2000 ? i remember playing this game back then but i cant seem to recall the version it was or any notable information about it besides this old blocky looking graphics and the super great fun i had lol i would like to get my hands on the very very start of this game's release source and client that was public if there is any way ?
  8. im trying to learn to build a server again in this new day and age and alot has changed in 15 years on how to build a server

  9. isnt there a way to build a connection to a VPN from the server so this can not happen from ur server while the client source is free to use or not use VPNs ?
  10. i have no working source or client but i do have intelliJ IDEA comminity edition 2022.1 and Eclipse if i can find one that works in either of them and actually allows me to play and edit as needed... i need help find a working link(s) from 2023 year PLEASE and thank you if anyone is actually still doing this.
  11. is there a way to apply these models to new servers and old servers or just the old ones only ?


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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