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  1. Hey, the model tools pack link is going to the map tools, do you have an updated link for the model tools pack?
  2. thanks, do you happen to have the client for this as well?
  3. Hello all, I've been trying to mess around with changing item colors on the necrotic client but i can't seem to get anything to actually change. I followed a quick tutorial just to test and that item also did not change, i copied the black santa hat knowing that the original item color id was correct (because obviously it worked for black) and tried many other colors (even ones already referenced for other items) but it always defaults back to red.. I have the feeling I'm missing something very fundamental here but I'm all out of ideas. Here's is the whip from the tutorial, again I've copy/pasted also the black santa hat with other modifiedmodelcolors and that also didn't work case 22068: itemDef.actions = new String[5]; itemDef.originalModelColors = new int[1]; itemDef.modifiedModelColors = new int[1]; itemDef.actions[1] = "Wield"; itemDef.modelID = 5412; itemDef.maleWearId = 5409; itemDef.femaleWearId = 5409; itemDef.modelZoom = 840; itemDef.modelRotation1 = 280; itemDef.modelRotation2 = 0; itemDef.modelOffset1 = -2; itemDef.modelOffsetY = 56; itemDef.name = "Lime Whip"; itemDef.description = "A Lime Abyssal Whip".getBytes(); itemDef.modifiedModelColors[0] = 13860; itemDef.originalModelColors[0] = 528; break; on a side note: Does anyone know of a good working cache tool so i can extract models from the cache? im having issues finding one that works, closest so far was Toms but it couldnt view all the models and would not export ;/ thank you in Advance!
  4. I dont have enough posts to download this yet, but so far every cache editor ive tried on a ruse cache just doesn't work well when trying to view models to export. with toms i can at least see them but it gets quite unresponsive, any recommendations?
  5. I played a lot of Silabgarza, idk if theyre still around anymore though



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