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Ah, the good old days
Nice one fella...... appreciate it
Hey guys, It's been awhile since we've posted anything in this section, but today we’re proud to announce that we’re the first RSPS (to my knowledge) to release the Gauntlet, as well as the Corrupted version! We’ve been working on this for the past few weeks, and although it isn’t 1-to-1, it’s quite accurate to OSRS. We’ve also released Prifddinas and most of the city content such as the new agility course, Elven crystal chest & more. Working on the Gauntlet was a bit tricky considering that the dungeon is entirely dynamic, and the fact that we haven’t had a similar piece of content to this (as some of you know, our Chambers of Xeric is not dynamic either). We’re very happy with the outcome, and our players are loving it so far. I’ve included an outline of the features below, as well as two videos -- a regular run-through, and one for the Corrupted Gauntlet. The Gauntlet: The Gauntlet is a solo mini-game in Prifddinas in which the player is given a limited amount of time to explore a completely randomly generated dungeon layout, gather supplies and resources by utilizing both skills and combat, in preparation to fight the Crystalline Hunllef. Access: It can be accessed through a portal in Prifddinas, or through the Teleport wizard. Additionally, you can type ;;gauntlet to teleport there quickly. Objective: You must move through the dungeon to explore the different rooms, which may contain resources or monsters, or both. You have 10 minutes in the dungeon to gather resources and equipment for the final fight. Once the timer runs out, you are teleported into the final room automatically and must fight to the death. You can enter the boss fight room earlier if you choose, which can lead to better loot. Different resources can be collected through Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing and other gathering methods. These resources can be cooked into food, and some are necessary for creating weapons, armour and potions which will assist in the final boss fight. Smaller crystalline monsters, such as bats, rats and unicorns can be killed for supplies, while higher level monsters such as Dark beasts and Dragons offer better drops at the cost of taking more time to defeat. The Crystalline Hunllef must be defeated to complete the dungeon: The Hunllef primarily attacks with range or mage. It always starts with magic attacks, and after 4 attacks it will alternate to ranged, and so on. The Hunllef also will always have a protection prayer up, and after every 6th hit it receives it will change it’s prayer to your last attack style. If you walk under the Hunllef, you may get crushed by a Stomp attack that deals up to 40 damage, so you'll want to stay out of its way. The room will constantly have dangerous tiles that you can’t step on. At first, these tiles will turn blue to warn you and give you time to run off of them. Once they have turned orange, they will damage you every tick you are standing on them. Occasionally, the Hunllef will summon 1-3 whirlpools that chase you around the room. You’ll have to outrun these for 14 seconds, otherwise they will deal damage constantly if they reach you. Completion of the Gauntlet will reward players with various loot, including crystal armour seeds to create new Crystal equipment. Dying or leaving early may still grant small reward for your time and effort, but does not grant any unique rewards. Corrupted Gauntlet: Players who are up for a real challenge can enter the Corrupted Gauntlet, which is a fiery red dungeon that is very similar to the regular gauntlet, though with a few key differences: Rather than 10 minutes to explore the dungeon, you are only allowed 7.5 minutes. Rather than 600hp, the Hunllef has 1000 hp. Upon completion, you have a better chance of obtaining a unique reward, and better base loot. Upon the first completion of the Corrupted gauntlet, you will receive the Gauntlet cape. Regular Gauntlet: Corrupted Gauntlet: Hope you guys enjoyed, and we'd love to hear your feedback/criticism!
Hello,You may have seen my previous show-off thread which showcased the Olm fight which took a considerable amount of time! Olm alone took about half of the time it has taken me to complete Raids. Of course, it isn't 100% accurate to OSRS as we have left out certain skilling components and other trivial things. With that being said, we have most of the bosses/rooms functioning and it feels quite similar! This was released on Alora 3 days ago, and so far it has went very well! We've got many raids parties going on and people are loving it. It did need some more work after release to get the scaling to work properly, but it is now far better and scales to the team size.Raids overview: Party features: Your clan leader can create a party to enter the raids dungeon, at which point all clan members are notified that they have 2 minutes to enter the raid. General features: 12 rooms total, not including the final Olm boss room Scaling: Damage, timers, rewards, etc are all scaled to the size of the party. This does not mean a solo raid is an easy task, but it does mean that parties with large teams will be increasingly difficult as the size increases. Items dropped on the ground(by players, or NPC loot) last for 1 hour before disappearing Resources: Overloads (dropped by Tekton, 1 for each player) Boosts all stats by 6 + 16% every 15 seconds for 5 minutes Hits 50 damage when you drink the first dose, but this is re-healed at the end of the 5 minutes. Xeric's aid, Kodai, Elder, Twisted, Revitalisation and Prayer enhance potions available Most resources can be collected as drops from bosses or mobs within the dungeon. There will occasionally be a fishing spot to fish, but you must have kindling to light a fire and cook the fish. Additionally, there is a room in the dungeon with a few bats to catch and cook. Death mechanics: Although you do not lose items on death, if you die within the raid you will lose points: Regular players lose 33% of their total points, whereas donators lose: Donator: 30% Super: 25% Extreme: 20% Legendary: 15% Uber: 10% Boss mechanics: Ice demon: Sappling trees must be chopped in order to obtain kindling to light all 4 braziers surrounding the demon. The icefiends will try to extinguish the braziers, and you must keep them fully lit for the boss to melt! Vasa Nistirio: Vasa will attack players with Ranged based rocks, as well as a Magic-based special attack performed every so often where he teleports half of the players into the center of the room and stuns them. During this period, the non-stunned players must help their team mates by running as close to the center as possible. The more distance between the non-stunned players and Vasa, the more damage dealt to those stunned. Vasa will walk to one of the 4 crystals in the corners to heal every so often. If you do not kill the crystal in time, he will perform the special attack upon returning to the center. Vanguards: The 3 different Vanguards(melee, magic, ranged) must be attacked with the opposite style to deal effective damage! The most important thing to keep in mind for this room is that all 3 vanguards must be kept at similar hitpoints. If there is a difference of more than 20% HP for any of the vanguards, they will all heal the next time they burrow into the ground. Corrupted Scavenger: You must search the chests in the room to feed the corrupted scavenger and put him to sleep. Skeletal mystics: Simple room with 3 Skeletal mystics -- it is advisable to try not to aggrevate more than one at a time. Tekton: Tekton is a powerful melee-based boss which obtains his strength from the Giant anvil in his room. Every so often, he will head to the anvil to sharpen his blade. During this time, flaming hot shards will fly around the room (ranged based) and must be avoided. After a short period, Tekton will leave the anvil(enraged) and will be very aggressive and stronger than usual. After a short while, he will return to his normal(non-enraged) phase. Muttadiles: The baby muttadile, which uses ranged attacks, must first be fought, while the mother attacks from the water with Magic. The idea is to keep the Muttadiles away from the meat tree, this can be done by either chopping the meat tree so that they cannot eat from it, or freezing them to block their path. Once the baby muttadilehas been defeated, the mother will come out of the water. She is significantly stronger, using all 3 combatstyles as well as having an impressively high hitting chomp(melee) which can hit up to 60. Deathly rangers and mages: In this room, you must be wary of the 6 different deathlies which are protecting the Keystone crystal. It is located on the other end of a crossrope, and if you cross over before killing the deathlies, there is a very high chance of being killed Olm: Combat bonus scaling: Combat bonuses scaled to party size Phases scaled: (including the penultimate phase) 2 phases for a 1 person party 3 phases for a <= 7 person party 4 phases for a <= 14 person party 5 phases for a <= 25 person party(maximum) (The later the phase, the more frequent the special attacks and more powerful Olm becomes) Head attacks: Drain spheres special attack which sap prayer and disable overheads: Blue(magic) sphere Red(melee) sphere Green(range) sphere Normal attacks: Green "shard" (Ranged) Green "orb" (Magic) Posion special attack: Affected players will repeatedly shout "Burn with me!" Those who stand too close to someone burning will shout "I will burn with you." and inflict the poison upon themselves. Acid pool shot Olm will create multiple acid pools in the room in random locations, and players who step on them will be constantly dealt with poison damage. Final phase only: Life Siphon During this phase, Olm will shoot two blue pools out into the field, which all players are required to stand on. Any player not standing on this pool will be dealt damage, and Olm will heal itself by that amount of damage. Room effects: Acid trail: Olm will target 1 player who will create an acid pool wherever they walk, which other players must avoid. Stalagmite fall - targets 1 player: Olm will shout out a cry, and one player will have a red portal glow and stalagmites falling on them frequently.(they may damage other players in the vicinity) Ground spikes: Every player will see small spikes spawn under them, which will turn into a large crystal quickly thereafter and deal a high amount of damage to any players who have not moved away. When Olm has dipped underground to recover for the next phase, the room will shake and stalagmites will fall and deal heavy damage. Upon resurfacing, Olm will have moved to the other side of the cave. Left hand specials: Lightning wave/wall that runs through the room Player swap(confuse) Two players are selected and a colored glow surrounds them. In 3 seconds, they must be on the same tile or close by, otherwise their positions are swapped and they are dealt damage based on distance Heal aura (Final phase) If you hit the left hand while the heal aura insignia is shown, your damage will work to heal the left hand rather than hurt it. Olm's left hand will become unattackable every so often Reward system: Based on real loot tables from OSRS Chance to hit unique table scales based on the points you received in the raid(from damage or skilling) Loot amounts by donator rank: Uber: 5 Legendary: 4 All others(including non-donators): 3 Amount of resources and supplies are partially based on the points you've received Olm pet with the proper dialogues // animations(laughing animation as well) Weapons: Twisted bow: Highly increases damage and accuracy against targets based on their magic level/bonuses Elder maul: A two-handed weapon which deals incredibly high damage. Dragon sword: A sword with a special attack which increases accuracy/damage by 25% and ignores protection prayer. Kodai wand: 15% chance to not remove runes for casting a spell(Also fixed for both SOTD's -- was broken) Unlimited water runes Dragon hunter crossbow: 10% more damage and accuracy against Olm, dragons and Wyverns Dinh's bulwark Dragon thrownaxes Prayer scroll Dragon harpoon Catch fish at a 20% faster rate You can also save an inventory spot by equipping the harpoon, provided that you have 60 attack. (Infernal harpoon will be added soon, along with fixing the old infernal equipment) New prayers: *Note* All of the following prayers must be unlocked by a Prayer scroll. Upon reading the scroll, you can select 1 of the 3 prayers to permanently unlock. Preserve: Requires level 55 Prayer Boosted stats last 20% longer Rigour: Requires level 74 Prayer Increases Ranged attack by 20% (accuracy) Increases Ranged damage by 23% Increases Defence by 25% Augury: Requires level 77 Prayer Increases Magical attack by 25% (accuracy) Increases Defence by 25% This video shows it off quite nicely, although it is before the hitpoints scaling update and therefore much easier than it would be with 20+ people after the latest update! I've had a great deal of fun developing this and testing it with people, and I'm really glad to see so many enjoying it. I had doubts as to whether it would be heavily enjoyed as it is after all an RSPS, and people are always looking for the easiest way to obtain what they need, but it seems like nobody has had any qualms about the difficulty of it, and that they find it enjoyable at the currently difficulty. I'm quite proud of the outcome, and hopefully some of you find some inspiration from this post! Enjoy Credits: My staff team for helping to gather information and test, as well as anyone who helped test Leanbow - Helped with many client sided aspects such as the interfaces and masks, much appreciated!
Hello,Today I'm showing off what I've been working on for the larger part of the past week, the Olm boss fight from the recently released Raids on OSRS. I've tried to match the mechanics as closely as possible, and I'm quite happy with the outcome(as are the testers who have recently participated in our beta/live server test!). Overall, I'd say it's about 90% similar to OSRS, only missing the head turning(turns left and right) and the fire wall special attack, both of which may be added in the near future, but I will be focusing on other aspects of Raids for the time being and will re-evaluate whether it is a priority once I'm closer to completing the rest of the dungeon.I believe we are the first RSPS to get this close to having a fully functional Olm, which is quite exciting! We plan to have Raids available very soon on Alora's live server Some of the features: Combat bonus scaling: Combat bonuses(offensive) scaled to party size Phases scaled: (including the penultimate phase) 2 phases for a 1 person party 3 phases for a <= 7 person party 4 phases for a <= 14 person party 5 phases for a <= 25 person party(maximum) (The later the phase, the more frequent the special attacks and more powerful Olm becomes) Head attacks: Drain spheres special attack which sap 10% of prayer and disable overheads: Blue(magic) sphere Red(melee) sphere Green(range) sphere Normal attacks: Green "shard" (Ranged) Green "orb" (Magic) Posion special attack: Affected players will repeatedly shout "Burn with me!" Those who stand too close to someone burning will shout "I will burn with you." and inflict the poison upon themselves. Acid pool shot Olm will create multiple acid pools in the room in random locations, and players who step on them will be constantly dealt with poison damage. Final phase only: Life Siphon During this phase, Olm will shoot two blue pools out into the field, which all players are required to stand on. Any player not standing on this pool will be dealt damage, and Olm will heal itself by that amount of damage. Healing aura: Olm's head cannot be damaged until the penultimate phase. Room effects: Acid trail: Olm will target 1 player who will create an acid pool wherever they walk, which other players must avoid. Stalagmite fall(Red portal): Olm will shout out a cry, and one targetted player will have a red portal glow and stalagmites falling on them frequently. (they may damage other players in the vicinity) Ground spikes: Every player will see small spikes spawn under them, which will turn into a large crystal quickly thereafter and deal a high amount of damage to any players who have not moved away. When Olm has dipped underground to recover for the next phase, the room will shake and stalagmites will fall and deal heavy damage. Upon resurfacing, Olm will have moved to the other side of the cave. Left hand specials: Lightning wave/wall that runs through the room If you are hit by one of the bolts, you will be damaged and your overhead prayers will be knocked off. Player swap(confuse) A pair(or more) of players are selected and a colored glow surrounds them (color changes in big teams with multiple pairs) In 3 seconds, they must be on the same tile or close by, otherwise their positions are swapped and they are dealt damage based on distance Immunity: Olm's left hand will become unattackable every so often Final phase: Heal aura If you hit the left hand while the heal aura insignia is shown, your damage will work to heal the left hand rather than hurt it. Final phase: Timed kill After killing the right hand, you will have about 30 seconds to finish off the left hand, or Olm will regenerate the power in his other hand. Reward system: Real loot tables from OSRS Chance to hit unique table scales based on the points you received in the raid(from damage or *skilling) Amount of resources and supplies are partially based on the points you've received Prayer scroll: One prayer scroll will allow you to unlock 1 of the 3 new prayers. Olm pet with the proper dialogues Proper animations(eg. Laughing in some dialogue frames) are also configured New prayers: *Note* All of the following prayers must be unlocked by a Prayer scroll. Upon reading the scroll, you can select 1 of the 3 prayers to permanently unlock. Preserve: Requires level 55 Prayer Boosted stats last 20% longer Rigour: Requires level 74 Prayer Increases Ranged attack by 20% (accuracy) Increases Ranged damage by 23% Increases Defence by 25% Augury: Requires level 77 Prayer Increases Magical attack by 25% (accuracy) Increases Defence by 25% Click here to view the original image of 1094x554px. Click here to view the original image of 1004x572px. Click here to view the original image of 1004x572px. Click here to view the original image of 856x624px. Any constructive criticism and feedback will be much appreciated!Cheers,Omicron
Hey guys, I'm a manager for the oldschool RSPS Alora([Hidden Content]) which you may have heard of. We heard about RuneLeak and figured we'd reach out to the members of RuneLeak to build awareness for Alora. I look forward to joining this community and meeting its members!