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Everything posted by footlettuce

  1. This is quite a large pack of various Raid 1 / Raid 2 item, armor and weapon models that fit right into a higher revision server. There is also some custom colored Bond models as well as some mystery boxes / chest object models. Includes things like Ancestral / colored tbows / Scythe / Nightmare staffs / Rev weapons / Mage Arena II capes (Some include ints to help you add them quicker)
  2. Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content.
  3. Displees Model Editor 2.4 from 30/03/21 Worth 750$.
  4. Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content.
  5. Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content.
  6. Didn't open or test, will post pictures later tomorrow. Download with caution as usual.
  7. thanks for this im gonna take a look on it
  8. thanks for this im gonna take a look on it
  9. thanks for this im gonna take a look on it
  10. thanks for this im gonna take a look on it


[email protected]


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