There you go, jabbering on again after I clearly stated that what you would retort with has no bearing and is irrelevant to myself.
Your frustration is already showing with your lack of self control, which is blatantly clear in your consistent use of profanity; which by the way just makes you seem even more unintelligent than you already are.
But im going to address you, little grasshopper. No one stated my comment was based even remotely close about 'because I don't know the names'. In fact, it's completely opposite, I know very well who these people are which is why it's a joke. I've been around for a very long time, but regardless I'll go ahead and throw an example at there -
Professor Oak(or John), had an unexpected boost of reputation which in turn bloated his ego beyond the point of realistic. It's a fisad; he goes around talking as though he knows what he's talking about when in reality he doesn't. And when someone, as I have, directly address said person you receive no response as he's made into a fool. So this person created a popular release named 'Elvarg', what's so special about it? It's average code and average designs that's still stuck in JDK7. But this is just one of the bunch, the list goes on and as I said before; we're all subject to our own opinions and every name under that list is not worthy of that title except obviously on here.
Good day fool.