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RuneLive [Current OSRS data ~ Elder Maul ~]


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This is the hidden content, please

This is the most up to date version (as of 1 day ago) it's basically a heavily modified ruse base with a tonne of content, interfaces, LATEST OSRS data. 

Allot of it is written in kotlin and it does have a plugin system, I've been through the code thoroughly and it does seem to match the exact version they currently have. 

The only issue is that there are a few problems, so I need someone that knows their way around intelliji IDE and is able to help fix the problems (about 10 minutes if you know your shit). If you can help fix it, I'll release it; because I'm sick of people releasing shit on here that doesn't even work.

PM ME and you'll have the first available copy of this and be able to help me fix it.

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