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Interfaces not moving with resizeable


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Some are fine, everything is fine in fixed mode but when i go into wild and resize the screen the interfaces don't resize as they should, any ideas?

This is the hidden content, please


I don't usually ask for help unless I'm genuinely stuck.

Edited by NathyLad
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It's been a long time since I've added resizable to a client, but resizing is not your issue, repositioning is though. From what I remember, you'll need to find in the client class where drawInterface is being called, and change the position parameters to be relative to your game window height & width. Since I don't use resizable clients anymore, I couldn't tell you how to do this. From what I can tell, only your walkable interfaces are having issues, which means that you'll only need to change the positions for where your walkable interfaces are being called to draw.

Edited by Mayhem
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11 minutes ago, Mayhem said:

It's been a long time since I've added resizable to a client, but resizing is not your issue, repositioning is though. From what I remember, you'll need to find in the client class where drawInterface is being called, and change the position parameters to be relative to your game window height & width. Since I don't use resizable clients anymore, I couldn't tell you how to do this. From what I can tell, only your walkable interfaces are having issues, which means that you'll only need to change the positions for where your walkable interfaces are being called to draw.

public static void bountyHunterWidget(TextDrawingArea[] tda) {
		RSInterface widget = addInterface(28000);
		addHDSprite(28001, 1, "Interfaces/BountyHunter/IMAGE");
		addText(28003, "Target:", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, false, true);
		addText(28004, "Abnant", tda, 1, 0xFFFFFF, true, true);
		addText(28005, "Lvl 1-4, Cmb 70", tda, 0, 0xCC0000, true, true);
		addText(28006, "Wealth: V. Low", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, true, true);
		setChildren(14, widget);
		setBounds(28001, 421, 10, 0, widget);
		setBounds(28003, 440, 13, 1, widget);
		setBounds(28004, 458, 26, 2, widget);
		setBounds(28005, 458, 42, 3, widget);
		setBounds(28006, 359, 42, 4, widget);
		setBounds(196, 420, 281, 5, widget);
		setBounds(28030, 345, 20, 6, widget);
		setBounds(28032, 345, 20, 7, widget);
		setBounds(28034, 345, 20, 8, widget);
		setBounds(28036, 345, 20, 9, widget);
		setBounds(28038, 345, 20, 10, widget);
		setBounds(28040, 345, 20, 11, widget);
		setBounds(28020, 0, 0, 12, widget);
		setBounds(28070, 0, 0, 13, widget);
		RSInterface sprite;
		int imageId = 2;
		for (int i = 0; i < 12; i += 2) {
    		sprite = addInterface(28030 + i);
    		addSprite(28031 + i, imageId++, "Interfaces/BountyHunter/IMAGE");
    		setChildren(1, sprite);
    		setBounds(28031 + i, 0, 0, 0, sprite);
		RSInterface statistics = addInterface(28020);
		setChildren(9, statistics);
		addHDSprite(28021, 0, "Interfaces/BountyHunter/IMAGE");
		addText(28022, "Current  Record", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, false, true);
		addText(28023, "Rogue:", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, false, true);
		addText(28024, "Hunter:", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, false, true);
		addText(28025, "1", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, true, true);
		addText(28026, "2", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, true, true);
		addText(28027, "3", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, true, true);
		addText(28028, "4", tda, 0, 0xFFFF00, true, true);
		addSprite(28029, 8, "Interfaces/BountyHunter/IMAGE");
		setBounds(28021, 340, 58, 0, statistics);
		setBounds(28022, 420, 60, 1, statistics);
		setBounds(28023, 375, 73, 2, statistics);
		setBounds(28024, 375, 87, 3, statistics);
		setBounds(28025, 440, 73, 4, statistics);
		setBounds(28026, 440, 87, 5, statistics);
		setBounds(28027, 481, 73, 6, statistics);
		setBounds(28028, 481, 87, 7, statistics);
		setBounds(28029, 347, 74, 8, statistics);
		RSInterface timerWidget = addInterface(28070);
		addHDSprite(28071, 10, "Interfaces/BountyHunter/IMAGE");
		addText(28072, "0:59", tda, 0, 0xff9040, true, true);
		setChildren(2, timerWidget);
		setBounds(28071, 293, 10, 0, timerWidget);
		setBounds(28072, 307, 27, 1, timerWidget);

Where i believe it's being called from.

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strange, your code should be working. Since it's not, my last two ideas are that you have a modified version of drawInterface method that isn't properly done, or there's a remaining RSImageProducer that your client is drawing certain types of interfaces inside.

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Now I've never had to do something like this in my life. I'm more server sided. However under your code in draw3dscreen where the resizable mode is there's this under it.

Configuration.clientHeight - 271, 5);

Now correct me if im wrong. But your height seems a biT fucked up. Backup all your shit and perhaps try removing - 271? Or cancel that section out by making it -0 as a placeholder.

Configuration.clientHeight, 5); or

Configuration.clientHeight - 0, 5); if it gives you a syntax error.

Now I've warned you im not client sided and I am begging you to back up before you try this because I won't be held responsible if it doesn't work.

Keep us updated on how it turns out.

Edited by Charisma
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