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[Elvarg] Dice bag Fully working


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Since many players asking for it, so here you go : 

ItemActionPacketListener.java : 

case #####:

			ClanChat clan = player.getCurrentClanChat();
			if (clan == null) {
				player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You need to be in a clan to do this.");
				} else {
						player.performAnimation(new Animation(774, Priority.HIGH));
			player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("@cr2@ [@red@Dice@bla@][" + clan.getName() +"] <shad=16112652>"+player.getUsername()+"<shad=000000> has just rolled a <shad=16112652>" +Misc.getRandom(100)+ "<shad=000000>/100.");

Dice [Clanchatname] Your user name and the rest of the message.

Looks like this : 

(UPloading the image soon)

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The else statement isn't necessary here. If your clan is null, the message is sent to the player and we return out of the function so the rest of the code can never occur anyway. Good work otherwise :) 

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