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OS-Royale Max hit


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Hey, i fount 1 bug on the server. When normal player using equipment it show our combat stat and max hit. When i change my right to moderator,owner,developer or admin. my maxt hit will drop to low. So when staff try to att monster the damage will be low. When i try to change right to normal player it still stay the low max hit. Anyone counter this problem?

The max hit will stay 11. i try to relog still the same.



Edited by Zotic
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16 hours ago, Bless up said:

Looking at the bonuses on the left hand side they are all 0. So somewhere your not updating your bonuses which is making you hit like you have no equipment on.

is it the equipment.json not loading?


This is weird. I remove amour + item it will show me this stat.


Edited by Zotic
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9 hours ago, Zotic said:

is it the equipment.json not loading?


This is weird. I remove amour + item it will show me this stat.


I can't help you all that much because I haven't looked at the source but just find what causes all your stats to drop down to 0. One thing you can check is that on login make sure it loads your current bonuses.

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2 hours ago, Bless up said:

I can't help you all that much because I haven't looked at the source but just find what causes all your stats to drop down to 0. One thing you can check is that on login make sure it loads your current bonuses.

There nothing on config.java :(

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